Just a spoonful...Lamenting soil degradation, Just a spoonful aims to celebrate the value of soil and question the sustainability of sugar beet farming in...
The air we breatheI've been meaning to write a blog about The air we breathe for some time now and a recent week long Instagram takeover for Sustainability...
Life or death (of materials)Life or death (of materials), 2020 features in an MA Fine Art exhibition ‘preview’ @thisisnotabalconyshow and Instagram ‘takeover’...
Can art change minds about climate change?As a marketer, I am well versed in the power of storytelling to breathe life into your brand. But, how might multimodal storytelling...
How do artists make a living?As someone who chose their first degree subject on the basis of getting a ‘proper’ job after university and now studying Fine Art, I was...
From dust to vesselAs an artist I think through making so, as the dust to vessel process began, I started making pots from terracotta clay, fashioning a...
From suitcase of mud to freezer bag of dustI imagined the clay samples would be large, cylindrical core sections that would require intensive processing, after all my collaborators...
Shared water, contested water, 2018Shared water, contested water was inspired by issues of climate change and contested water in the Middle East’s ‘Garden of Eden’. Earth...
Exhibition reviewThe Archive and the Contested Landscape, Cambridge Festival of Ideas, October 2018. Does the historical landscape contain a hidden...
Re-imagining the 'Nature of things'I've been exploring different settings for my ceramic sculptures, indoors and outdoors and responding to the specifics of the site....